Happy New Year Players! May it be a good year for all of us!
Special “THANK YOU!” shoutout to [NS]UPSDog for his very generous donation!
Top Players on [NS]GamingUS Custom server for the month:
Terminator Record – [NS]Hyperod - 427 Kills on mp_shipment
Snoopy - 41 - NEW RECORD! GREAT job Snoopy. Please join our forum and gain the [NS] Clan Tag!
[NS]Goldware - 10
[NS]UPSDog - 2
Honorable Mention
[NS]Limbo - 1
[NS]GamingUS WW2
[NS]GeneralDissaray has achieved level 60 status in record time! Congratulations General!
New gametypes have been added. Gun Game (!gametype GG) and Greed (!gametype GR). Both added gametypes can be played individual or team. Gametype greed has caused some confusion for new players so allow me help:
Players playing gametype GREED play either as individuals or as teams. The goal is to pick up as many dog tags as you can by running over the colored spheres and safely returning them to a drop zone. Dog tags in green spheres have one dog tag. Dog tags in yellow spheres have between 2 and 5 dog tags. Pink spheres have 5 to 7 dog tags and Red spheres carry 7+! The drop zones are identified by blue boxes showing the approximate location on the map. The actual drop zone is a red (individual) or yellow (team) glowing circle on the floor of the map. The drop zones move every 60 seconds!! Dog tags are worth 10 points each but there is a point multiplier for Red spheres! If you die, you drop what you have collected and respawn!
Needless to say, gametype GR is a game in which “Rage Quitting” is a definite possibility. I personally witnessed [NS]UPSDog get killed on a red drop zone leaving a red sphere in the drop zone without receiving credit for the dog tags. If you are on TeamSpeak 3, you will hear some VERY COLORFUL LANGUAGE during a greed game….LOL I personally enjoy it when another player (non bot) shoots me in the back right before I return my dog tags then steals them and gets the points I was close to gaining. Life is good…….NOT!! Payback is coming. You know who you are :- )
New maps for the WW2 server are:
[NS]GamingUS Zombie
We have had terrific support for the server on an international level. Players EMANUEL, (PCI)MONOMARIO, radixjb, Default1 and Seutrons please join our forum and inform the rest of us on your progress with Zombie killing!
Please remember to utilize TeamSpeak3 while playing. It’s fun and FREE to players but it's not being utilized enough to justify the cost.
Remember, if you have suggestions on how to improve the servers, please send them my way.
Have fun Players and Nice Shot [NS]!
Rod aka [NS]Hyperod